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A Deep Ecology Practice.

The Quiet Gardeners is an earthcare design and consulting practice promoting climate-conscious landscapes and garden care through mindful use of the planet’s natural resources: plants, soil, air and water. Meg Whitmer, founder, focuses on projects that will have lasting and positive impact on our planet. With a landscape architecture career spanning 4 decades, her Third Act – The Quiet Gardeners – focuses on projects that regenerate declining landscapes into healthy balanced ecosystems requiring less supplemental water and overall maintenance.

Using native plants and materials of the Southeastern United States, Meg designs beautiful and functional outdoor spaces as natural pollinator-friendly ecosystems, integrating them with built environments to create more balance between humans and wildlife. Past clients include homeowners, botanical gardens, property management companies, condo and homeowner associations, churches, nonprofit, health and arts organizations, and facilities serving citizens with special needs. Each collaborative project focuses on stewardship, or ‘earthcare first’ while re-creating living spaces that are resilient, improve air quality, increase pollinator habitats and food security, and engage communities in a healthy, climate-positive way.

“Earth is what we all have in common.”

~ Wendell Berry

“To love a place is not enough. We must find ways to heal it.”
~ Robin Wall Kimmerer